Friday, September 23, 2011

Dale's Legacy ♥

After waking up today, I logged into facebook for my early morning creeping. But I found out something I didn't expect. A friend I recently met, and a very nice man of God/worker in the kids classes at church passed away. Twenty-two years old. After looking into it a little more, I was in shock. The bible study that I go to sometimes on Thursday nights, he was there last night. After leaving it, and walking back to his car, two men stopped him. They asked him for money, and then robbed him and shot him. He died at 5:55 this morning. The number five means grace, if you're looking at it from the biblical meaning. And honestly, it confused me. How can there be grace in this situation? Many of us at faith family lost a beloved friend, brother in Christ, and an awesome man of God. And then I began thinking. The song "Your Grace Is Enough" came to mind. And after that, a bible verse.

"So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud.

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 2:7-8

So, I began to think about that. We at faith family feel like we're at our weakest after this loss. And I'm sure many of us are questioning God, as to why Dale? Why when he was only 22 years old, so young? But then I thought of Dale. He was always so happy, always smiling, always doing something for God, to better the kingdom. We're all wishing it wasn't so that he was gone, because he was such an inspiration. We could all sit here and weep all day for this loss- or we could remember that Dale is up there cheering us on, reminding us that life is short and that we need to win people to Christ before this life is over. He wouldn't want us to be sad. He would want us to get up, go out, and win souls. In this weakness, he'd want us to rely on God's strength to show us where to go from here. Dale, you may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten, and I can't wait to have a holy ghost party together when Iget to heaven. Thank you for all that you did while on this earth. Thank you for inspiring us to do more for others like you did.

We may not all understand this now. But this is the start of another level. A new thing. When we're at our weakest, God gives us His strength. Our pride in life is slowly fizzling away, because now we understand how short it is. It's not about what you have, or what you've accomplished, unless through those things you're winning people to Christ. The same thing could happen to anyone that happened to Dale- and I don't want to let that happen to someone who ISN'T a christian. I don't want to let hell grow bigger. Lets go win some souls for Dale. ♥

~Ms. Conduit

P.s. another thing about grace.. I commonly go to the bible study he was at. And I was going to go last night, but I didn't. But by God's grace. My life will not be a waste. Also, keep in your prayers the men who shot Dale. They can receive God's grace just as well as the rest of us.

I wrote a poem in honor of Dale, and figured I'd go ahead and share it here.

Dale's Legacy by: Christina Shumard

It's hard to believe that you're gone,
It seems life is a day that doesn't last for long.
As I sit here and remember the life you lead,
I'm ever so proud to have called you friend.
Dale loved God with everything inside,
And his passion for the lost was something he couldn't hide.
Though we can't understand why,
As we weep and find it hard to say goodbye,
What satan meant for evil, God will turn around for good
We will win this city, I know that we could.
Dale was a great man of God, and gave people hope
If someone was cold, he would of given his coat.
Even in his death, lessons were taught
Life is short and there are battles to be fought
Against the rulers of darkness and hell,
We've got a mission and many to tell
About the love of God and the price that was paid
For our souls, it's the one thing that will never fade.
Lets not let Dale's passing be in vain,
Lets be inspired and spread God's fame.
We'll share this message until it's time
To see Dale and Jesus, and party on the other side.

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