Tuesday, December 21, 2010


You walk in the room with style, you're so smooth
Trying to be charming, trying to put on the moves
I just have to laugh and say I refuse
You're so pathetic, I'm born to win not lose
I don't have time for the likes of you.
-Me ©

Dear spoiled and egotistical people,
You get your own way. You insist your own way.
You believe you're the greatest thing to walk this earth.
You think you deserve anything you want. You think
people will build their plans around yours. Well,
let me tell you; that's not the way it goes. So I'm gonna
tell you, get over yourselves. The world isn't out to get
you, we're all much too worried about our own selves.
People kiss your feet when you kick them because they're
total suckers. But then when someone who isn't a sucker
or feet kisser calls you out on your selfishness, you get
angry. Why is that? Have you never been told, are you
blissfully unaware? I won't kiss feet. I won't carry your
load for you. You think you can have anything you want?
Wrong. You can't have me. (;

You think it's cute when I'm angry?
You have another thing coming, kiddo.

Besides, I don't get angry. That, was simply irritation.
You don't want to see me angry. But you don't have to
worry about it. Because I'm slow to speak, quick to listen,
and slow to get angry. Just like the bible says. ♥

I wrote two new songs today. And have music for them.
I've got inspiration dripping out my pores.
I might actually get to go to church tomorrow. I didn't
think I could at first, but now it's possible. So, church tomorrow.
Singing Thursday, who knows what on Friday, Jesus' birthday
Saturday. Heck. Yes. I'm finally getting excited about Christmas.
At first I didn't feel anything. Now, it's kind of exciting. O:

I'm so happy. I've got a phone call coming in an hour.
I'm gonna pick out more songs for my song list tomorrow.
I have 3 energy drinks in the fridge ♥ Songs and poems
keep coming out, and I don't know why. I got to see the
amazing lunar eclipse last night. Even though I was out of
it and mumbled silly romantic things to myself while staring
at the red moon surrounded by a billion stars.

“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.”
- Josh Billings

Ah, phone call time soon. Goodnight dear blogger.

-Ms. Conduit

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