Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just had to say that God is awesome.
Last night, I was being silly and I prayed
that He'd fix my ipod. Today, I woke up
and it's working. Thanks for the birthday
present, Jesus ♥

He even answers my silly prayers.
That makes me feel really happy inside.
Today is going to be awesome. I think
I've had maybe a total of 4 hours of sleep.
I could be sleeping still, but I'm just too

Actually, I suddenly am really tired. X_x

-Ms. Conduit

1 comment:

  1. Hey I'm glad your iPod is fixed:)
    I just wanted to let you know( evan though it's not realy relevant to this post ) that I might be going to midnight mass if I don't I'm defo going to sing carols in the church:) I gess I wanted to take a new look on Christmas sins ( can't spell) this year was defenatly inspiring for me and changed my life ..alot
    I may not be like you and go all the time to church
    I may not like the idea of religion
    But at this moment in time
    I want to try something new:)
    So yeah that was what I wanted to tell you:)
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas :) x
