Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm so weird... but you love it.

From my Mind
just a rant from the mind of Christina Conduit
By: Christina Conduit

Google Chrome
Oh my lawdy. First, Google Chrome, is amazing. I mean, I added a background thing
on it.. and now where I type to go to websites, the letters are all colorful and rainbow-y.
It's wonderful. It makes me happier. Did you know the bright colors make people happier?
True story. Not to mention, Google Chrome tells me when I spell something incorrect.
That makes me very happy. On any website it tells me this, so I can save myself from
ever misspelling a word. Is that not the most wonderful thing? All in all, I'm glad I switched
to Google Chrome.

Perfect Harmony
Yeah, the book I'm working on, well you see I had the whole chapter outlines written
on notepad. Well, I hadn't saved it yet. It was just sitting on here for me to work on, and
suddenly my mother got on the computer and it crashed. Thus, destroying all my wonderful
work. Okay, maybe it's not all that wonderful. Needless to say, I was bummed out. I rewrote it though, and changed up my story. I'm sure it happened for a reason so it's not so bad. Chapter one is happily finished, not yet edited though. But I figure once I finish my book I'll go back and edit everything of course. I'm really excited about the direction this story is going. It's going to be amazing. I'm not trying to be self-centered though. It's just a good story. I amaze myself sometimes ;P

Christmas is almost here. And strangely enough, it doesn't really feel like it. You know? Ah I dunno. It's just different I suppose. I just wanna glorify Jesus, and be thankful for what He did for me. Coming down to this sad, corrupt earth to die for me. I don't think I would of. If I had the glory of heaven I mean, I wouldn't want to leave. Uh, anyways. Christmas. It doesn't feel like the holidays this year I suppose. But maybe it will when I give my friends their presents and they smile and whatnot. Hopefully.

Okay. Let me just say something, women are amazing. So I was watching the news with my dad. A cop pulled some guy over for some reason and the guy started trying to get the gun from the cop. They were struggling and the guy had almost gotten the cops gun, but they kept on struggling. And then out of nowhere, this AWESOME woman comes up and starts punching the bad guy in the head. Thus, helping the cop out and getting the bad guy. How freaking awesome is that? It made my whole day. I mean, people were driving by while this cop was struggling with said bad guy, but no one stopped to help. Except a woman. Awesomesauce.

Inspired? Heck yes I am. I've been writing and singing and everything lately. It's amazing. Before I was so frustrated because I wanted to write and inspiration was hard to find. Somehow it's all become so simple though. I don't know if it's the change of weather, or the way I've been blessed, or the holidays or what. But I'm totally loving it. I can finally work on all my projects.


"Hey Christina!" -mom
"WHAT!!!" -me
"Come here I wanna show you something"- Mom
"I wanna show you my fist lawlzzz! Just kidding"-me
I go downstairs to see the Christmas tree set
up, and dad wearing one of the Christmas things
around his head like one of those Roman leader
guys lololz. Good times with my dysfunctional family ♥

Easily Distracted
Oops, time for shopping and then to go to church,
goodbye blogger.

-Ms. Conduit :D

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