Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hell fear me, I am the one who will bring you down.

"Don't be so vain, you think far too highly of yourself.
I've got more important things to do than to gossip to
others about your business that I could care less about."
-Hannah, from the book I'm writing "My Life as Defined" ©

You know, today was good. I enjoyed some church, which
was great. Came home and played some praise songs and
really got into it. Suddenly, sleepiness fell upon me. So,
I took a nap. Which ended up being 3 hours. My sister and
her friend then came over. She asked if she could check her
facebook, and then took forever so I went downstairs.
That show, "Minute to win it" is enough to give a person major
depression. It gives me a heart attack just watching it,
I can't imagine actually being on the show playing the game.
Anywho, then I got muh phone call early. Which lasted 18
minutes. Kid, your family watches wayyy too many movies
together. But that's okay, you said you'd call later.

Never let your blessings become more important
than Jesus, the one who gave them to you in the first place.

This has been a long weekend. I'm so ready for the new week,
and even better, the new year. I said I was gonna win in 2010,
I don't know what I'm gonna do in 2011 Uh... I'll think of a clever
2011 slogan. Just give me some time.

So, it seems like everyone suddenly wants to hang out
with me. We're working around my suddenly busy schedule,
so now January is swamped. Way to start the new year.
January 8th? Gonna be the best day. Well, maybe. I'm not
sure if that'll beat January 11th when the new kingdom hearts
comes out. I loooove kingdom hearts. Sorry, kid. :P

"What happened to your bike?"
"I lost it."
"How can you lose a bike??"

*Christmas day, mom and dad downstairs
Sarah and I upstairs creepin' on peoples facebooks.*
Dad: "You got a wang?"
Mom: "Yes I did."
*Sarah and I look at each other with
serious faces..*
Me: Lololololing.
Sarah: lolololing.

Ah, I should write a book about the things
that take place in the Shumard house. It'd be
interesting to say the least.

"Christizzle... Shanizzle... we're terrible at this."
Lawlz. ShaLacey trying to pick out gangster names
for us.

Hell, fear me. I am the one that will bring you down.
And when you fall, feel me. You'll see my face on the battleground.
Let my name be feared at the gates of hell, as I exalt the savior.
The One that died to buy my victory, and gave me a new name.
In the name of the Holy One of God,
I will cast you down at the foot of the cross He hung from.
I will stand beside my Savior, as He burns your kingdom down.
And I will see you on your knees, before the King of kings.
You will lose your throne to the chosen ones, the chosen ones will rise.

Love the lyrics, but the screaming music frightens me x)
But really, this song. Hell, fear me. I don't fear hell, for I know
I belong to Jesus and have a place in heaven. Hell fears me,
because I'm out to save the lost souls. I'm out on the battleground.
Exalting Jesus, all the way.

Sounds like thunder
The earth is shaking
A generation is marching strong

We will not be stopped
Our voices will be heard
Let the nations hear our song

Oh oh, this is our war cry
Oh oh, this is our battle cry.
-Michael Gungor

There's passion pouring out of me,
and I'm going to use it for the only One who
can save me. Jesus Christ. Nothing else is
worth my passion, my heart, my soul.
I'm in love with my creator, and I belong
to Him. I'm not perfect, just forgiven ♥

Hell. Fear me.

-Ms. Conduit

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