Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve :D

Merry Christmas Eve people :)
I ♥ you all. Thank you for reading my blog.
I'm happy that it somehow entertains you.
Or makes you want to rip your eyes out. Or
makes you laugh at how weird I am. Or just
makes you smile because I'm just that awesome.
Either way, I'm glad it does something for you

Jesus' birthday is tomorrow! How awesome is
that? My birthday yesterday, went interesting.
I had to hide my facebook wall so people would
quit saying happy birthday. I really, really don't
like all that and stuff I guess. Either way, they
spammed up my statuses with happy birthday
comments. But oh well. Ha. Jesussssss! :D

So yeah. Ha.

Okay. I'm starting to believe you.
Just stick with me, and I'll be convinced.
Either way, you're hilarious. And it's
fun to spend so much time chatting with you.

Everyone else,
you can just do whatever the heck
you want because I'm staying out of
your drama. :P

Happy birthday. I wish I had something
of worth to give you, but you already own
everything. And it's not like I have anything
to tell you that someone else hasn't already
said before. But I'm going to give you my
heart once more, and sing to you with all
I've got. You've always been there for me,
you've always loved me, you've always got
me out of ridiculous situations. You're just,
amazing. Thank you for creating me and
loving me even though you know everything
about me and it probably makes you sad occasionally.
I'm trying my best. Thank you for not giving
up on me when everyone else has. ♥

Kingdom hearts recoded? January 11th?
Oh hallelujah! I've been so ready for more
KH. But where the heck is KH3? Hurry up
and make the game, people. Please. :)
This one is for DS, but I gotta admit they
did a pretty good job with the last KH for
DS. Plus, Sora's in this one. The first man
I loved, the only man I'll love xP
Yes, he's an animated fictional character.
So what?

I told my secret. And nothing changed.
I thought it would be the end of the world.
It wasn't. Thanks for that.

Ah, time for some holiday cheer.

-Ms. Conduit

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