Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's time for a makeover.

I feel as though all I do is try to improve myself.New hair,new makeup,new diet.
Does it ever work?I still feel the same.Humans are impossible to please.
I'll never be skinny enough,pretty enough,or good enough for them it seems.
People expect perfection; perfection is my enemy.
And on my own,I'm so clumsy; But on His shoulders I can see...
I'm free to be me.
Jesus will always love me,even if I'm not good enough for them.
I wish I could show them that there's more to a person than looks.
There's so much more.
I'm gonna wreck up the life I have now,and make it something pleasing to God.
Throw away everything that's holding me back.
Give it all away for Him.Why does it matter anyways?
Things of this earth don't last forever.
I'm remaking my looks once more,because it is a fact I do need to get in shape.
I'm not overweight,and I'm not fat.
But I have been eating way too much. I need to work out and cut back.
I want to be healthy.
I'm going to pick a day,and have it a spa day for me.
Use all those facial cleansers,and doo-hickeys that I have in my bathroom closet.
Maybe that foot massager.
I don't know.
But I'm going to do it.
I'm going to throw away all those perfection magazines.
They say I have to be "this" to be wanted or loved.
When I'm "that". I'm perfectly fine being "that".
I'm going to get rid of all the things from my past I've been holding onto.
Throw it all away.
I'm going to be patient,be understanding,be caring,
I'm going to be Christ-like.
It won't happen overnight,oh no.
But any step being closer to my savior is oh so worth it.
Oh how He loves me so.
He loves me so much,he doesn't want to leave me like this.
Torn apart,confused,bitter,basically a nervous wreck.
Oh,how I keep it together so good,at church.
Working in the kids class,they all love me and say I help so much.
I'm just tired. I hide behind busyness.
I need a break,to find who I am.
Where I am,what I'm meant to be..
So much more than this.

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