Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hello Change,nice to meet you.

Hello,I'm Christina.
And I think it's time to be real.I've been so ridiculous lately I must say.
I'm going to tell the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth,from this moment on.I've just recently got some amazing friends.
Before,my only friends were people who bailed out on me all the time,
and weren't truly my friends.I've fixed things with people who I needed to fix things with,and I've got onto a straighter path.
I'm trying to read my bible everyday,and spend special time with God.
I'm in a relationship again,with Owen Ray Travis.
I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm asking God if this is right.
Owen has never kissed a girl,imagine that!That's pretty darn decent,if you ask me.
I'm now a Mystic,and don't ask what it is cause I'd rather not explain it.
But my Mystic name is MysticWolf©.
I'm moving on from my mistakes.Goodbye.

-Christina Conduit

Sunday, June 21, 2009


1 Kings 19:11-12
11 The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

A great and powerful wind blew,but God was not in the wind.
He doesn't use something so large to talk to us,but if we're doing something that's not of his will,he might blow something our way.Maybe he'll send a tornado through your life so he can rearrange it,into what it needs to be.
God wasn't in the earthquake..but he might use some stuff to shake you.
And he wasn't in the fire,but he might use something to burn you.
If you're doing something you know you shouldn't,you will get burnt.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
We sometimes let things blow us around,shake us,and burn us.
We get so worked up about things and worry too much instead of trusting him.
And just put him into a little box under our bed and such and so.
But after all the tragedy,comes a soft whisper.
Sometimes so soft we don't hear it,other times we need it so much we're desperately listening for it.That is where God's at.Calling us back to him.
He doesn't exactly "whisper" to us,but he uses little things to do it,
maybe a song,or a time when you remember you were closer to him.
He will get your attention with wind,earthquakes,and fire (life) to call you back to him.We all get caught up in our own world every once in a while,but we need to trust him.He is truly all you need and he will always be there.Day and night.Just trust him,and listen for the soft whisper,cause it's truly worth it.

He's there.Listen.

-Christina Conduit

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Honestly?What can I say.I'm a dreamer.

List 20 things you want to say to people, but never could. Do not say who they are.

1)Honestly,why must you waste everyones time?

2)I wish I hadn't scared you away like that.

3)I just want your friendship back.

4)I don't want to be with you,I just want you in my life.

5)Honey,it's gonna be okay.

6)You have no idea,how many times you've saved me dear.

7)Why did I waste so much time on this?All you've done is break me.

8)Sorry if I post too many bulletins hoe!If you don't like it,delete me.
(I'm too nice to say that)

9)Seriously,what's with the middle school drama?It's time for you to grow up.This is the real world.

10)I would of loved you.

11)Do you know you used to be my hero?

12)I've lost all respect for you.

13)Sometimes I wanna run away to England to tell you goodbye in person.Since you just cut off all contact with me.

14)Do you remember when we were kids?I certainly do.Before whores existed.

15)I appreciate how much you care for me,and I know you try your hardest,but sometimes I feel like you expect me to be perfect.

16)You used to be my sunshine and I used to be your girl,Oh wait that was only in my dreams,not the real world.

17)I miss you.

18)I can call anytime?Bull $h!t.

19)You be my star,I'll be your sky.

20)Will you please just hold me?


Well 'allo there!You know something?I'm kinda pumped up.A whole weekend of the strawberry festival,and only today left.Thursday was the best so far,but I might be surprised.
Apparently,I'm the winner of the "fugly" contest.Well,that's what whatever his name is said.

I told him,I'm not ugly.I'm just fearfully and wonderfully made ;D

But whatever,I did kinda flip out on him too,but I'll leave that part out.I could of handled it more maturely and christian-like.But I failed.So,there's always next time to do better.

I love Monster,it's like..so good.Not like I need it to make me hyper anyways.I'm usually already like that.It just makes me actually awake.I've been so worn out lately,but now I feel awake.Although I'm having back,shoulder,and rib pains.Just got it all going on.

Today I have the strawberry fest of course,starting at 4pm I will be in the parade with my mother for her work.But until then,I'm puppy sitting.Thank God he's sleeping!I'm so happy.He would whine every time I came to get on the computer,so since he's sleeping I can have some me time.

Tomorrow I've got church,and Monday I'm supposed to be starting lessons with Jonathan.
That should be interesting.Hmm.Carrollton Tuesday,and I get a break from church Wednesday cause they're all at camp.I might go out on the townn.

But!Enough about this.This doesn't seem much like an ISP but whatever.I'm not doing too shabby.But I'm not feeling too great.

I'm not okay,I'm not okay today,and I can't guarantee that I'll be okay tomorrow,but one thing I'm sure of,I'll be okay one day,and I hold onto that promise..

-Christina Conduit

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Christina yeah the past is just a Conduit...

Who oh who..

So I guess ol' Jonny boy isn't so bad.He is gonna give me private dancing lessons with him.I'm kinda nervous about that.But we'll see what happens.

I'm stuck between 3 things right now,and I know it's bad but I'm not sure of what to do.

But one thing I'm for sure of is,God knows what he's doing and I just gotta follow him for what's best.

This is an ISP (incredibly short post) and I'm gonna start doing lots of ISP's Lol.

sooo yeah,
I'll do tiny updates<3

-Christina Conduit