Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well 'allo there!You know something?I'm kinda pumped up.A whole weekend of the strawberry festival,and only today left.Thursday was the best so far,but I might be surprised.
Apparently,I'm the winner of the "fugly" contest.Well,that's what whatever his name is said.

I told him,I'm not ugly.I'm just fearfully and wonderfully made ;D

But whatever,I did kinda flip out on him too,but I'll leave that part out.I could of handled it more maturely and christian-like.But I failed.So,there's always next time to do better.

I love Monster,it's good.Not like I need it to make me hyper anyways.I'm usually already like that.It just makes me actually awake.I've been so worn out lately,but now I feel awake.Although I'm having back,shoulder,and rib pains.Just got it all going on.

Today I have the strawberry fest of course,starting at 4pm I will be in the parade with my mother for her work.But until then,I'm puppy sitting.Thank God he's sleeping!I'm so happy.He would whine every time I came to get on the computer,so since he's sleeping I can have some me time.

Tomorrow I've got church,and Monday I'm supposed to be starting lessons with Jonathan.
That should be interesting.Hmm.Carrollton Tuesday,and I get a break from church Wednesday cause they're all at camp.I might go out on the townn.

But!Enough about this.This doesn't seem much like an ISP but whatever.I'm not doing too shabby.But I'm not feeling too great.

I'm not okay,I'm not okay today,and I can't guarantee that I'll be okay tomorrow,but one thing I'm sure of,I'll be okay one day,and I hold onto that promise..

-Christina Conduit

1 comment:

  1. ur not fugly that fool must b blind or not no wat beautiful is XD hahahhaha well that fest sounds fun XD hahahaha :D
