Saturday, June 20, 2009

Honestly?What can I say.I'm a dreamer.

List 20 things you want to say to people, but never could. Do not say who they are.

1)Honestly,why must you waste everyones time?

2)I wish I hadn't scared you away like that.

3)I just want your friendship back.

4)I don't want to be with you,I just want you in my life.

5)Honey,it's gonna be okay.

6)You have no idea,how many times you've saved me dear.

7)Why did I waste so much time on this?All you've done is break me.

8)Sorry if I post too many bulletins hoe!If you don't like it,delete me.
(I'm too nice to say that)

9)Seriously,what's with the middle school drama?It's time for you to grow up.This is the real world.

10)I would of loved you.

11)Do you know you used to be my hero?

12)I've lost all respect for you.

13)Sometimes I wanna run away to England to tell you goodbye in person.Since you just cut off all contact with me.

14)Do you remember when we were kids?I certainly do.Before whores existed.

15)I appreciate how much you care for me,and I know you try your hardest,but sometimes I feel like you expect me to be perfect.

16)You used to be my sunshine and I used to be your girl,Oh wait that was only in my dreams,not the real world.

17)I miss you.

18)I can call anytime?Bull $h!t.

19)You be my star,I'll be your sky.

20)Will you please just hold me?

1 comment:

  1. i no who ur talking bout i think and i'm srry bout all that hope u b ok :D
