Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And who woulda thunk it....

Wow.So I pretty much had a great fabulous incredible weekend.If those are even good words for it.I didn't settle for just okay.And you know what?I'm freaking happy now.So anyhoo,I went down to my other house for the whole weekend.What did I expect?Nothing at all.

But I left with a lot more then I came with.Coincidence?Not at all.God certainly is good.

I mean,wow.I'm great.Although I felt the worst pain I've ever felt and threw up like 3 times,I'm wonderful.I mean,I expected nothing.

I guess when you don't expect anything you get more then you bargained for.

Which is good.

So,I think it's time to start blogging again.I've been failing a lot lately.
Do yall remember ol' Jonny boy?Well yeah,he's a douche bag I guess.hahaha.He totally bailed out on us all.I mean,ach..what are we gonna do now?Go pay big bucks?No thanks.I totally quit.

But who cares about that anyways.I'm restless,and took a shower at 3am,I mean what's up with that?!?I'm not sure what else to do so I'm gonna sit here and type about I donno what.

Erm,lets see here....Chocolate milk sounds great right now but it's all the way downstairs and I'm too scared to go get it.haha.I have no idea.I'm being so weird.Eeep.

I like the color green.gah.Hm,I think whatshernamethatIwonttellyouwho is starting to see that I'm not such a bad person after all.She got everyone to plot against me because they all fall for her game.But she was sad the other day and I was the mature one who went over and asked what was wrong.It was something about those kids whom I don't like,and I told her that's why I don't hang out with them cause they're bound to piss you off.And she talked to me a bit.First time in a while.Since mr.stupid rock your world guy.Yeah,more like destroy world.Ach,I'm not even going there.

I ruined the lovely color green,by talking about jerks.SO,I'll use this color for something better.I have about 20 some energy drink cans on my dresser.I never throw them away haha.That's intense.I wonder how tubesteaks doing.Hahah I remember that kid.I miss how he used to be.Eep,now he's all with whatsherface whom treats me like crap.I'm listening to music.Interesting aye.Smileys look retarded on blogger.I hate it so much.=P see?<---------------

Ach you guys,I'll be more orginized next time with this.but for now just myspace me,msn,aim,whatever.

-Christina Conduit the most grooviest chick on the planet as Dwayne says.haha.What a weirdo.

1 comment:

  1. ahahhaha well it works dont it?? (being weird)
