Monday, October 6, 2014

I've returned from my mini honeymoon. The crazy thing is that it wasn't any different. Just a different location. When you're with a man who treats you like every day is a honeymoon, well, when you really take one not much changes. However I must say that 4 days off work was just wow. I haven't had 4 days off in over a year. I've just accumulated some vacation time recently though so I'm thinking about having another vacation. Anyways, I'm actually excited to get back to work, as much as I thought I wouldn't be. I love my job, but it can be incredibly exhausting. While I was gone, two people that I love transferred out. It's amazing how much can change in 4 days. I was discouraged at first but I'm quickly climbing up to the small list of people who have been there the longest. People are starting to look up to me, and I wanna do something with that. Even if the time I have left here at starbs isn't very long. Which I'm still unsure of. But its all one day at a time. I'm not very motivated to post right now but I wanted to make sure I did.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

I've been trying to update this sucker for quite sometime now.
I know I need to get back into this.
So here's a quick update on my life.
I just got married less than a month ago.
I just celebrated one year at Starbucks.
My sister is having a baby girl.
I've joined the world of iPhone.
I'm trying really hard to starting writing and playing music again.
Neal and I will be traveling soon for his job.
I get to see the world like I always wanted to.
How unbelievable is that?!

As always, I'm still weird, opinionated, awkward, and the slightest bit bipolar. So don't think I'll be boring now that I'm old and married. (Which by the way is AWWSOME! for real guys, after waiting I'm psyched to be blessed with such am awesome man for the rest of my life.)


Friday, September 12, 2014


Monday, March 3, 2014

Catching up on lost time.

Windows down,
Music loud
Rebelling against
Things that held us back

Driving fast,
Coming off the ground
Laughing loud
As my heart pounds

Smiling crooked,
My stomach is jumping
The chip in your tooth,
To me is charming

Spinning fast
Til I'm dizzy
You smile and reach out
Your hand to me

Backing away
As we swing
Too nervous to think
Too nervous to blink

Rushing water
Hearts ablaze
A great escape
First kiss today

Tangled up inside
Eyes so bright
A feeling that makes
Me so alive

Pouring rain
A smiling hint
Leaning on your tailgate
A drenched kiss

A look of distress
Feelings of confusion
Someone in the background
Pushed back from this picture

More than one
A broken family
Can't be fixed
If I stand between

A bittersweet goodbye
Both left with a gift
Something that I
Will never forget

Though time has passed
Memories linger
I won't be angry
But instead be grateful.


Once upon a mistake
I went and let you take my breath away
The tacky 90's style,
The crooked little smile
Drew me right in

Now I knew, knew what I was doing
Baggage too heavy to drag through this
But it was worth it
Just for the memories

Once upon a chilled summer day
You caught my attention
In an unexpected way
I tried to be distant
But I fell into the quicksand
As you took my hand
We began to spin
And I knew this would be
One of my best tragedies

A month or two with you
Brought me from the misery
I was going through
Late night talks, and drives
And hours at work
You made worthwhile
You were the tune
That stuck in my head
Though I knew it would end
Too soon

This was one of those times
Where it was better to have
Than not to have had at all
As the fall weather nipped at us,
We ran back to the fates
We had come from.