Monday, October 6, 2014

I've returned from my mini honeymoon. The crazy thing is that it wasn't any different. Just a different location. When you're with a man who treats you like every day is a honeymoon, well, when you really take one not much changes. However I must say that 4 days off work was just wow. I haven't had 4 days off in over a year. I've just accumulated some vacation time recently though so I'm thinking about having another vacation. Anyways, I'm actually excited to get back to work, as much as I thought I wouldn't be. I love my job, but it can be incredibly exhausting. While I was gone, two people that I love transferred out. It's amazing how much can change in 4 days. I was discouraged at first but I'm quickly climbing up to the small list of people who have been there the longest. People are starting to look up to me, and I wanna do something with that. Even if the time I have left here at starbs isn't very long. Which I'm still unsure of. But its all one day at a time. I'm not very motivated to post right now but I wanted to make sure I did.


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