Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there ♥

Oh blogger, I do apologize. It's been nearly a month since I have wrote to you. I will confess; I've started using blogster. People actually read and comment on there. Though my love for you blogger, will never end. So I shall start using you again too. Okay, I admit it. I'm crazy. But what else is new. Rant, begin.

My life. Is awesome! I've been having the best day of my life everyday for a while now. You know why? Because I have Jesus Christ in my life. Honestly, that will never change. My mind will not be changed, I will never be swayed. He's the reason, and that's all there is to it. I'm not sure where to begin with what's been going on, so I guess I'll do it this way.

1. A Way Eternal. The band. At first I typed "my band", but I changed that. For it would seem like I was claiming that I'm the leader. The only leader in AWE, is Jesus. We all started out pretty shaky, members changed constantly, but now, we're standing strong. Darius, Tessa, and I. Yes, we don't have as many instrument players as we would like, but God will bring them in time. But honestly, we're getting really good. I'm getting better at guitar and vocals, and training Tessa as well. Darius plays both bass and drums. He's switched to bass since we don't have a drum cage at the time and the drums are way too loud for the small place we're playing in. So, for now we're working on making money for the things we need, and just worshiping God. There is NOTHING I love more than to lead people into the presence of God through praise and worship. It's really an amazing feeling. Sunday during practice, some intense things happened. We actually started out practice by doing some bible devotions. It changed the whole atmosphere. We ended up talking about our past mistakes, and all I can say is; wow. Looking at us now, you would of never guessed such things. It's incredible how far God has brought us. By then, we were so moved that we just started practicing. But it was more worship than practice. And THAT, is how it should be. It was perfect. And I really want it to keep going like that. Darius and I said the same thing at the same time, without even planning it. We blurted out that A Way Eternal isn't just a band, it's a family. And I believe that with my whole heart. God put us together as a very strange family.

2. Church/Bible Study/Church related things. I'm almost done attending Christian Lighthouse Church. Not because there's anything wrong with it, because there's not. It's a wonderful church full of wonderful people. I only attend there on Sunday mornings currently. Wednesdays and Saturday nights I attend Faith Family Church. I will be going to FFC full time, come September. I was accepted into the GROW internship at FFC which is a part time internship. When it's time, I'll start working at the church as my job as well. So I'll work part time, intern part time, and still play in the band. Those things will take up all of my time. Church has been incredible. Pastor Noah comes up with the coolest stuff for his sermons. Most people wouldn't think of the stuff he does. I really enjoy it. Wednesday nights are my favorite. Well, it's a hard decision actually. Because I do really enjoy playing with the band on Sundays. Anyway. G2 girls bible study is done until September. I guess we're taking a break for the summer, which kind of saddens me. I don't know if I'll have time to go to it once I'm in internship. Though I don't have internship on Fridays and Saturdays, I'll probably be working those days. Depending. But yeah. Anyways, that's what's been going on in this area.

That's all I really do with my life besides spending time with friends. Lawl. It sounds boring, but these things do take up all of my time and it's super enjoyable.

I've accomplished one of my BIGGEST dreams. I saw Owl City in concert on Friday. Oh my gosh. It was really a magical experience. It inspired both Darius and I to be better in the band. So now I keep attempting to jump with my guitar and swing it around. It's really hard, so it must take a lot of practice. It's fun though. I camped at Alive as well, and another big dream came true. I saw Hillsong United live. The presence of God was like BAM! And I knew, without a doubt, that worship is the area I'm meant to work in. It's what I'm meant to do with my life. God's plan for me. I also saw Skillet, Third day, Family force 5 for the second time, Switchfoot, Tenth Avenue North, and many other bands. It was a great experience. I made quite a few friends. It was one of the most interesting 5 days of my life.

So I'm skipping a lot of stuff that I could type in here but am to lazy to remember... so yeah. Friday I saw Owl City. Saturday I went to a church meeting, went to band practice, went to Jared's grandparents house for dinner, and went with Jared to see fireworks. Sunday I went to church, came home, felt like a bum and didn't want to go to band practice, went anyway and it was the best practice we've had, got DQ, practiced more, and came home. Monday I did a load of nothing, then Jared and I went hiking, to Wendys, then to his house, and went to see fireworks over the lake. It was pretty cool. I've had some really good days. Tomorrow I've got church, and an old friend is coming with me. So I'm really excited about that. Oh, AWE is going to start recording stuff. I bought this recording program a while back, but it wouldn't work on my computer. So we're going to stick it in Darius' mac and see if it works. It should, so that's kind of exciting. It won't be legit, considering there's not a guitar/bass plug but just a mic, but it'll be cool anyway. Alright. That's a bit of what I've been up to, so I'll say goodnight for now. Until next time, blogger.

-Ms. Conduit

P.s. I still love you all.

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

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