Saturday, April 16, 2011

Today was awesome.
I could end it there,
but I'll bore you with
the details of my day :]

So, I woke up. Got ready.
Went up to Canton,
searched around until I
found Jonathan's(my old ballroom
dance instructor) dance studio.
There was an open house there
today, with free lessons. Hadn't
seen him in a good year or two.
It was amazing. He says I can
come sing and play at his studio
sometime. I invited him to church.
He's not a real churchy guy, so I
talked to him a bit about that.
He says when he's not teaching he's
gonna come out sometime. SCORE!
Dancing was amazing. I miss ballroom.
I felt so natural, and happy, and just..
invincible. The year I took ballroom
consistently was so life changing and
awesome. I might start again. After
that, went to chipotle with some awesome
friends. Had some deliciousness in my mouth,
because of course chipotle is awesome.
Oh, whilst walking back to the car
after dance(which we had to park like half a
mile away), some lady overhears us talking
about getting food. She goes "WHERE YALL
I told her God provides for me. She got angry.
She said she needs money to feed her cat.
I offered to buy her cat food, because obviously
she was on drugs. She then proceeded to throw
out every cussword in the book, and yell at a sarta
bus saying "I don't need no ride from you."
It was terrifying at the moment, but now I find it
humorous. It just saddens me that people are like
that, and that they let their lives be destroyed by
the enemy. I wish I knew her name so I could
pray for her. I have it so much better than most
because of Christ in me. ♥
Also, while we were walking I was complaining about
my hair. Petty, petty thing. But the wind was screwing
it up, and I felt very self conscious. A few moments
after I was complaining about myself, my hair, and all;
someone walked by and said "I like your outfit. And your
hair." Sent by God much? He proves Himself more and
more to me everyday. If my God is for me, NO one can be
against me. Nothing can stop me from the plans He's made
for me. Two people liked my eyeshadow. It made me feel
really good. I mean, I have hardly any confidence in the
way I look. Compliments really boost me up. They make me
cheerful. I guess He knew I needed it. After chipotle, and previous
events, we headed out to church. Talked to people a little bit before.
And then had some AWESOME church. We literally talked about
the Word. What it does for us, ect. It was really good. After wards,
we talked to more people. Devin still hasn't had time to check out
my musical, but that's fine. I mean, he's already working on a billion
other things. He can take his time with that. I gave some compliments
out, in return for the good feelings I got. Actually, I told Devin his shirt
was cool. He had to look down to remember what shirt he was wearing.
LAWL. People do that, all the time. Including me. So after all this at
church, we headed out to starbucks. I figured it would just be a quick stop.
Ran into someone from my old church and we had a really long, nice
chat. About church stuff of course, and God, and His awesomeness, and ways
to draw closer to Him. It's just really cool. God sets up all these divine appointments
for me. He's so good to me. Regardless of any bad things that have happened,
He's the joy this world can't steal from me. Take all that I have, take everything,
but you can't take my unspeakable joy, my everlasting love, my savior, my Jesus.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from His love.
And in that, I will always be confident.

Long day though,
Kinda tired but I'll probably
get some devotionals done
before bed since I'm not tired
enough to sleep.
Church in the morning,
and then watching movies,
later on, SKYPE NIGHT!

I love you all.

-Ms. Conduit

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