Monday, April 11, 2011

Okay, okay,
I'm back for daily posts.
I think.
I'm going to do a quick rant
about my life/past few days,
and then I'll do quotes.
Or actually I might post
some of my daily bible devotions
that I write and stuff. (:

Friday I had G2; small group/bible study.
(Girls only.)
I opened up a little. Usually I hardly get
along with girls, and keep to myself around
them. But for some reason I felt alright
about talking a little. Not to mention our
G2 has bible study at muggswigz!
Coffee makes everything exponentially
more awesome for me. So anyways.
We did a re-cap on Wednesdays sermon,
talking of course, and did some prayer
requests. I said a few. Mainly for my
cyst, and internship. Awesomely enough,
since they prayed for me I haven't been
in as much pain as usual. Thanks God.
I ranted to them a bit, about what's been
going on in my life. This super awesome girl;
Christy, let me borrow toy story 3. Which
I watched for the first time yesterday.
I don't see why people said it was sad. It simply
caused anxiety at certain parts. But in the end
it all worked out. Anyway, lets see... Got tons of
facebook messages from some very awesome people
apologizing for others immaturity and such because
of a really ridiculous and unimportant situation.
But besides that fact, they all said they love me.
Realizing that people care, it's an awesome feeling.
Especially when there are others trying to tear
you down. Ain't happenin' yo. Saturday, I went to
the mall with some awesome folks who I love very
much. We goofed off, walked around a bit. Had
some very good conversation, about God and stuff.
Then to chipotle we went! Where I happened to see
an old friend, who works there. It was nice to talk to
him. It's weird to run into old friends, they're always
so different. Generally in good ways. Anywho, ate a
deliciouso burrito, while I proceeded to make a huge
mess. And then off to church we were! Early of course.
So more talking was in store. Had more wonderful
conversations about God, and how Louis has to get into
a G2 because they're awesome(or mine is anyway, I don't
know what the guys G2's are like), and how he also has to
get baptized. Church was good. Gave my musical to Devin
so he could read it over. And then I headed home exhausted.
But alas, insomnia kept me from getting much sleep. I awoke
early on Sunday to get ready for more church. Which was
really awesome. I did my daily devotions during the sermon,
(yeah, shame on me. At least it was God-related anyway.)
And before I knew it, church was over. Talked some stuff
over with a friend, my name was cleared from past things
that were said, and received an apology and sort of got an
old friend back. Hey God, thanks. Satan, you fail again.
Nothing can stop me now. ♥

So now, today is lazy. I actually cooked today without messing
it up. Suh-weet. Mainly, I'm just waiting for Wednesday for church.
Hopefully by then Devin checked out my musical and can let me
know if it's usable. As for personal problems, I really don't have any
right now. Sure, I don't know what all is coming, but I do know that
God's got a plan. And right now, being single makes things a lot easier.
Internship is confirmed, and I simply need somewhere to stay during
it. God will provide that, since He confirmed that internship is a yes.
Other then that, lots of writing, daily devotions, spending time with a
friend before he heads out to Colorado for a one year bible internship
(like the one I'll be doing, but his is a lot more expensive than mine,
and of course I'm staying here in Ohio), making new friends at G2,
and staying out of trouble as usual. As for right now, I think it's coffee
time. Bible post in a minute.

Love you all ♥

-Ms. Conduit

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