Friday, April 8, 2011

I thought you had me
You thought that you had me

But hey, Devil, go on
Get your junk out of here
I don't need you
I don't need you
Hey, Devil, go on
Get your junk out of here
I don't need you
So move on

So, simply put satan thinks I'm a good target lately.
Which means I'm doing what God wants me to.
Whenever satan attacks it's because I'm where
I need to be and he wants to take me away from
that path. Well guess what satan, you lose.
I win. End of story.

Youth was awesome Wednesday.
Yesterday was pretty fun too.
I got my haircut, and dyed. I'll take
pictures later. Been hanging out
with my sister lately.. and her and
one of my friends were talking
about me. My sister loves me ♥
Anywho, G2 bible study tonight
at muggswigz. Which means
I can have another mocha cookie
crunch because I'ma fatty omnom.
Church tomorrow.

Doctors next week to get my cyst looked
at. Feels like there's a hurricane inside
my stomach but I'm getting through it :)
I can do this.

My owl city musical might actually be
used. How freakin' awesome is that?
My dads gonna pay for the internship
that I'm gonna do at church. Double
awesome. I get to work at the church,
learn tons of theology, doctrine, go out
witnessing, ect. I want to be the woman
of God that I'm supposed to, and this
training will do just that.
Hopefully then I'll know what to do with
my life. Still not going to college. And I
don't want to. Don't think I'll change my mind.
But the internship will be good enough.
It's falling together great, so it must be right.

I love you all. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

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