Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hung out with my sister today.
Worked out. Ate mcdonalds.
Watched TV. Dyed my hair.
Played video games. Goofed.
Then I came home.
Gotta be up early. Going to zumba
and then getting my hair cut.
Then starbucks for bible study.
And a friends house to make music.
Then stopping at trinity to surprise
Ted. And then heading to church.
So yeah. Busy.

I'm doing pretty good, considering
all. Actually, I'm great. Just wish things
hadn't ended the way they did.
But in all honesty,
I can't stand when people act like one
person when everything is going fine,
and then completely change when they
don't get their way. It's just.. it's ridiculous.
Two- faced people should not exist.
But they do. And it's so hard to know who
they are. Who's real, who's not.
But I know one thing; I still have Jesus.
And He's the same yesterday, today,
and forever.

Oh haii, time for tea and devotionals before
bed. I love you all so very much.

-Ms. Conduit

P.s. quote post coming up right after this ♥

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