Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"You think I'm speaking badly of you,
when in reality it's the other way around.
You've always been so self centered,
Brian. It was something you always tried
to hide, by putting yourself down. When
really, all you've ever cared about is
yourself. I fell for your little game.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool
me twice? Shame on me."
Hannah to Brian;
in my book "My Life as Defined"

You'll call back in 10 minutes,
lol. It's been an hour. But that's
okay kid, I'll put up
with it, just for you. :P

Dear King David(from the bible),
thank you for the Psalms. I think
you and I woulda been pretty good
friends if you were around now.
Like me, you always had someone against
you. But as it's written "if God is for us
who can be against us?" You were a
man after God's own heart. And I hope
to soon be able to be thought of so highly
by the creator of the universe. You made
your mistakes, and fell away from God
sometimes. Just like I have at times.
Your way of loving God was with worship.
Just like me. I guess I just wanna say
thanks for leaving the Psalms for me to
read. They have been helping me immensely
through the past few days.

Oh, got my phone call before finishing this blog.

"Go to a window."
"So we can look at the stars

Oh kid. Even though you ditched me,
you're still awesome.
P.s. you're my best friend. ♥

Church tomorrow, but maybe at a church in town.
Depends. We'll see what happens.

"I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now - now I've stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor, but you are not mine." -The Corpse Bride

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