Friday, December 31, 2010


~New Years Resolutions~

I figured I'd get this out of the way now, since tonight,
even though I REALLY don't want to, I'm going to a lock in.
Oh, now don't get me wrong. I love lock ins. I just don't like
being forced to play games where you get eggs cracked on
your head. Needless to say, I'm a tiny bit terrified. Bring
it on world, bring it on Beci.

I don't really know what my resolutions should be this
year. There's always room for improvement, but I'm so
amazed at how much better I got last year. If you look
past all the mistakes, and the wasted bit of months.
I've come a long way, and I'm proud of myself.
2010, you were oh so interesting. I learned a lot.
But, I still have a lot to learn.

My resolutions last year were along the lines of;
1. Reading my bible every day.
2. Spending more time with God.
3. Doing more for others.
4. I can't remember the rest.
But, anyways. I've done well at bible
reading and time with God. And I'd like
to say I've helped a lot of people. Maybe
they were just simple things, or maybe it
changed their life for the better. Either way,
I did my best.

New Year, New Standards.
1. Do one thing every day that scares me.
2. Quit allowing the tiniest things to effect
me so much.
3. Worry less. Much less.
4. Somehow, become more confident.
5. Accept compliments; instead of just
shooting them down like I always do.
6. Lose like 10 pounds, LOLJK.
I like food too much ;D
7. Make someone smile, everyday.
I have to know that it was me that caused
the smile.
8. Speak up more often. I somehow just have
a habit of not saying what I think.
9. Quit letting people put me down. I don't
care if you're "just kidding". You don't have
the right to tell me that I'm not good enough.
10. Do more in church.
11. Get out of the house more.
12. Quit caring about what people think of me
so much. I know who I am in Christ.
13. Somehow, try to stop shutting down when
I get so close to really trusting someone. I'm just
afraid of being ditched again. And my defenses
always come up when I get too close.
14. Again, do more for other people.
15. Clean more, because this house is still a wreck.
16. Quit letting other people define me.
17. Be myself. And continue to do so regardless.

I've never been too good at the whole
"New year resolutions" thing. I don't really
know what I should work on. I mean, I know
I'm a total complete wreck sometimes. And I know
I've got a lot to fix. But it just seems silly to list
it all, I guess.

Ah, oh well.
What are your resolutions?

-Ms. Conduit

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