Friday, December 10, 2010

Rant rant rant ♥

So, actually from my last post,
I can explain. I know it's all God.

Anyway, yesterday I was just having
a blah day. I told my mom to pick
me up something from the store and
I was really looking forward to it.
She got home and didn't have it. Why?
Well you see, she stood at the checkout
for like, 5 minutes and no one came
to check her out? lawlz. She got mad
then walked out. So, I was pretty bummed
out. But then she was all "Oh, I forgot to get
milk." and had to go to another store. I went,
walked in the store and got the milk(I looked
like a total bum by the way) got what I wanted,
and even paid for the milk to give mumsies a
break. So, that made my yesterday a little better.
But the thing that made my whole yesterday,
and half of today? A simple phone conversation.
I'm a weird person, and I hate talking on the
phone. I think I do better in person, and in texting.
But somehow, I got talked into calling this person.
We recently became like, sort of friends and were
texting a little. But I just gotta say, God planned this.
I now have an amazing new-ish friend. I mean, not
just like "oh you're cool, I'm glad we're becoming
friends." but like the... "it's so weird how it feels like
I've known you forever and how you're saying things
I've always tried to understand but never could in a
unique way and really I dunno, changing life for the
better". You know? I'm really happy. I got what I
wanted from the store, lawlz. And I made a new
friend. A good friend. Maybe I'll start trusting people
more. Maybe not. Who knows. I'm a weirdo. But GOD IS
SO GOOD! I mean, I wish I could just explain it to you.
Before good things started happening, I started reading
this book "how to be blessed and highly favored" and it
was just really awesome. Then, boom good things start
happening. They are extra blessings from God. If you do
your best to make God smile, instead of just doing what
it takes to slide on by, you'll get favor and blessings poured
into your life. I think I'm gonna be alright. Actually, I know
I'll be alright. I'll be great in fact. Tough things happened
so I could fix my relationship with God, and reach out to others.
Good things happened, so I could remember that God doesn't
just want to take things away from me. He is so faithful and
loving. Anyway, I'm getting ready for church. Because I gotta
look super pretty tonight (or at least attempt.). 'Cause I gotta
surprise. xD I like it, maybe other people will too. Lawlz. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

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