Monday, December 6, 2010

Nothing is impossible.

I'm not gonna live by what I see,
I'm not gonna live by what I feel.

Deep down I know that you're here with me.
And I know that, you can do anything.

Through You I can do anything,
I can do all things
For it's You who gives me strength,
Nothing is impossible!

Through You blind eyes are opened,
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith,
Nothing is impossible!

I believe, I believe,
I believe I believe in You.


Somehow I'm starting to make it to a certain point.
Everything is going to be okay. In the end, why will anything
matter? God put me on this earth to make my decision.
My decision between Him, or the world. Him, or satan.
Me along with everyone else. But, I've made a better choice
than the world. I know that I can only make it through this
with God. Yes, I'm in a hard situation. A very hard situation.
And it's hard for people to understand. But you know something?
Deep down inside I've still got unshakable, unbreakable joy. Joy
that can only come from knowing God and His peace. In this world
I'm gonna have troubles. And Lord knows, a lot of them. But I take
heart, and I don't fret. He has overcome this world. He went through
it without sin. He was persecuted, hated, and then killed. But the
grave wouldn't keep him down. I want to be more like Jesus. My one
true savior. My one true hero. My one true love. And I'm going to
do my best, even if it kills me.

-Ms. Conduit

This is my declaration of dependence
This is my declaration of my need
This is my declaration of dependence
On the one who gave His life to me

And I know this is how my life was meant to be
I was made for this dependency
On the one who has created me
So I’ll sing my declaration song
For the one I am depending on
And I hope you’ll sing along ♥
-Steven Curtis Chapman

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