Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's really interesting when strangers
care more sometimes than your own friends.

Someone I have never talked to, but see
all the time sent me a message on facebook.
Saying she was thinking of me and hoped
I was having an awesome day. I said thank
you, and she later replied saying.. You're welcome
You just looked like you were having a rough
day and I wanted to see how you were doing.

Did I get any awesome messages like that
from many of my friends? Not really. I mean,
I got a few. But just to know that people care
is awesome. And I've shared so much with
someone I just met, and they care. My friends
have sorta left me alone for the most part.
Maybe they think that's what I want. I don't
know. But I like to know that people care.

I love it when people let God use them to
reach out to others. And I think they should
do so more often. We'd all be a lot happier
if so. New friends are awesome. Friends you've
had for a while are awesome too. Anyway,
I don't know. I just had this thought and had
to share it.

-Ms. Conduit

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