Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bring it all into perspective
The tongue will steer the ship ahoy
Spark up a flame
Feel the pain of habanero sauce
A word's forever
When we speak we set 'em free
So watch your mouth
And you be careful what you say, Jimmy

Sorry I'm not your cup o'tea
But I don't mind
Yeah, I said I don't mind
At least I know you're thinking about me
Yeah, I don't mind

And just when you think you really know a person.
I've come to learn that we can't read someones heart.
No one can read someone else's heart. (Except God,
but that's besides the point.) You can spend as long
as you like with someone, but you still can't know their
intentions for sure. In fact, they might not even know
their own intentions. You can think something is one
thing, when in reality, it's another. Things can
change in an instant, to the opposite of what you
expected. As much as I wish I knew what was on
anothers heart, I don't. You can never know who
has good intentions, or who has intentions to slowly
destroy you. This is where trust comes into play.
Trust. Such a simple word, but yet everyone has
problems with it. Almost everyone says "Oh, you'll
never get to know me. I have trust problems." We
all do. We've all been hurt in some way. Some of
us more than others, but hurt nonetheless. I really
don't know where I'm going with this. I'm not afraid
of trusting someone. I just hate how it always turns out
in the end. But maybe, just maybe someone will surprise
me someday.

Oh, p.s. Mind. Blown.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The world?
Amazing. Still mind blown.
I may watch it again today.

So the other night I got to thinking, about a trip
to ATF two or three years ago. One of my old friends
was tagging along with me with the crew I went
with. A southern boy who was very quiet immediately
bonded with her on the ride back. I was a bit upset.
I mean, I was chatting with him at first. He said he
was depressed and then started telling me his life
story and how he smokes and so on and so forth.
Well, I tried to help him by talking about God, I mean,
we had just left a christian convention. And God is
always the correct answer. As I'm babbling on, and
quoting bible verses left and right, he stops me to
ask a question. "Are you a pastors daughter?"
*facepalm*. My reply "No... I'm not." Lawl. "Well,
you seem like one. You know, with the whole..
"God is the answer", sitting in the front row at
church, actually listening thing. You know?" -_-
No, I don't know. So anyway, my "friend" started
talking to him, and they conversed about how much
their lives suck. So, I went and sat somewhere else,
while they did that. Sometimes I just don't understand
people. But yet, I understand them all too well.

I'm just insane I guess.

-Ms. Conduit

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