Friday, October 22, 2010

You, Me, and God.
Together we can make it through

Whilst cleaning my room,
I found a note in the back of
one of my notebooks from
my wonderful friend Ivana.

"Christina Shumard,
you're amazing! I loooooove you!
You're my best friend and God works
in you! I'll never forget the laughs we
have had together and the fun times we
have. I love your laugh and I love our
talks. I know I can trust you with
anything and that means a lot. You're
beautiful on the outside and in. I love you
so much! And I'm so glad Jacob found you!
Love, Ivana =D"

Isn't that just the sweetest thing?
God blesses me with the most awesome friends.
I love Ivana so much. She's a really good friend.

I found many other notes while cleaning my room,
but this one meant the most to me. Because it
wasn't just about me helping someone and how
they appreciated it.. and it wasn't someone just
saying hey.. Ivana thought of me. I didn't even
have to do anything but be myself. Usually before
people do nice things, they expect something
from me. And it just means a lot to me.
I love Ivana, and all my other awesome friends.

-Ms. Conduit

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