Sunday, October 10, 2010

Okay, I just gotta say

Okay... I have to add to my weekend.
Church, was awesome. Like, as usual.
Pastor was flying around like a bird x)
He makes me laugh.
"We're communicating." Oooo.
hehe. Okay so! After that I ran to hardees
to get some food and head back to the church..
for drama practice. Dress rehearsal it was.
I shared my chicken with Jake, Ami, and Sarah :L
And Jake stole some of my milkshake -_-
ha. So basically... we all sat around... goofed off..
until like 4:30. And.. oh. we went to taco bell.
I dug through the sauce packets and found
one that said "will you marry me?" (:
Then we went back to the church and practiced.
Hrmm... I kept laughing while doing my lines.
And Sarah. Oh my goodness. Sarah stole my
phone and said how awesome she is on my facebook
And... when we were waiting for pastor and the leader
people to come see our part of the drama thing..
we were turning our lines into a musical...aha..
"We can't beeee deeadddd
I have this big youth party next week, and my big
test.... -me
"And I'm bleeding on my chestt!!!" -Hannah.
oh my. Terrible times. it was fun though.
So... pastor was like "you did great. Jake,
did you know your girlfriend is such a good actor?"
ha. Jake. He's so sweet. Oh my goodness.
When I got in my car to go home... and searched my
purse for my ipod.. I found his tie (:
He put it in my purse hehe. I usually ask for his
tie... and such. And I didn't.. but he.. he's so sweet.
Anywho, I taught Erin's kids to say "Mmm... sweet tea!"
Just like... thatguywiththeface does..
they were all "hey you, guy!" and he turned and they said,
"MMMMMMMMMM SWEET TEA!" and he ignored them
then. But they did it a billion times... eventually he was like
"I HEARD YOU *GRRRFACE*" Oh my word it was hilarious.
I don't even feel sorry for the guy.
Niki wants me to play guitar for a song the choir is gonna do
in like.. a month or something? I looked it up when I got home..
there's two chords in it that I'm not good at.. but I've been practicing.
Hopefully I can do this.
I just remembered during drama I stuck my gum on the tarp in the morgue..
and I forgot to get it after we were done :L someone will be mad about that.
ha. Hmm... my back hurts. I should definitely do a post that's not explaining my
entire weekend... and is rather something deep and thoughtful..
but. I'm exhausted :)
Twill do so tomorrow.

-Ms. Conduit

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