Sunday, June 27, 2010

My day?

So, I laid in bed all night. And only slept an hour.
All I wanted to do was sleep, but it wouldn't work.
Now, I've had an hour of sleep. And leave for
church in an hour xP I think I can do this.
I know so. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
Oy blogger, will I always have insomnia?

Church will be great! I wrote Jake a poem
for his birthday, and I'm surely sure he'll
love it. Even though it's kinda dumb. But eh.
It's the thought that counts. Tamra's bringing
a friend to church, it'll be his first time. I'll
bet he gets saved. (: I'd be super happy.
Ivana's going on vacation for 8 days today \:
I miss her already. xD

After church I'm going out to eat with Tamra's
people. Then we're going skeet shooting. Well,
I don't plan on shooting. I'm too tired. I can sleep
on the way there.

Considering the fact that I only had an hour of sleep,
I still look pretty good ;D

Have a blessed day blogger peoples.

-Ms. Conduit

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