Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines day,eh?

So,I've been up already
for 3 hours before I
actually have to get up.
I've been laying in bed.
Bored to tears.
Creating impossible
scenarios in my mind.
But no,I'm glad I'm up
in time before I have to get
ready for church.
I just wanted to let
you know,blogger...
that I feel like something
wonderful is going to
happen today.
And I wanted to tell
you this beforehand.
So that when I come
back and tell you,
I'll have been right.
Being right is a good feeling.
I think something
is gonna go down today.
Funny day for that
to happen.

I'm actually pretty happy,
because I woke up
extra early,
so I could have breakfast
for once.
I won't starve during
church today.
And I'm quite happy about that.
I might even play some wii.
Before I have to get ready.
My iPod loves me
early in the morning.
It rarely gets listened
to at this time.
And I'm quite happy to say,
Michael Buble' is serenading me.
And that makes me
a very happy person.

So,I'm crazy.
That's why I don't wake
up this early.
Just doesn't work for me,eh?

Today shall be

-Ms. Conduit

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Ms. Conduit.

    Our pastor did speak about love today. But not God's love for us - but the love we have for Jesus.

    He read from 1 Corinthians 13 and Revelation 2 - focusing on Jesus' letter to the church at Ephesus.

    He used the example - much like you did - of the thrill of new love. Of how we will do crazy things, drive hundreds of miles to see someone with whom we are newly enamored.

    Yet over time, that passion fades and, while we still may love them, we're not willing to do those crazy things any more if they inconvenience us.

    He pointed out that our relationship with Jesus can be like that as well - which is what the letter to the church at Ephesus is about in Revelation 2.

    When we first accept Christ as our savior, we are passionately in love with Him. But over time, we lose that passion...and that is indeed a shame.

    We should always be passionate about Jesus Christ - just as He is about us.


