Saturday, February 13, 2010

I love my pastor.

I've been thinking.
So,I've been thinking.
Tomorrow is Valentines
day,as I already
And it's also Sunday.
Which means church.
And if you know my pastor,
you know he's crazy.
But not like "Ohmygosh,get this
weird guy away from me"
More like the "If he's preaching
about being "in it to win it" he'll
make the theme nascar and
ride into the sanctuary on a
(Yes,he's done that.)
So,I can almost bet..
tomorrow he's gonna be dressed
as a big pink heart.
Or something of that sorts.
If he's not,I will be
quite surprised.
I'm almost guessing
he's gonna preach
about God's love
instead of romantic
love for us poor singles
so we feel less bad about
I mean,
what pastor wouldn't do that?
But then again,there
is the chance that
my crazy pastor will
think of something totally
off the wall to preach about.
And that is why I love him.
He's a great pastor,
not like any other.
He's fun. You don't fall
asleep in his sermons.
So P. Dana,
here's to you!

-Ms. Conduit

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