Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I rant far too often..

Lawdy. I love goodwill. So I stopped there today before church.
I found "wow 1999" (a christian cd of some of the big 1999 hits)
a set of 5 classic romance books, cha ching! not to mention an
awesome sweater for 99 cents. Oh, and another book "how to
be blessed and highly favoured" only 50 cents. Oh yes, and it's
awesome. I'm reading that, along with "Jane Eyre" right now.
I've been dying to read Jane Eyre, I've heard a few things about
it. It's kinda slow right now though. I'm really hoping it gets better.
I don't know why I had to announce this. But I just feel like blogging.
I now already have a title for my book, and I've made an outline for
every chapter. Tomorrow, I will officially work on it. Also, it's going to
be two books. I can't do it in one, I've got too many plans for this story.
The funny thing is, 20 minutes ago I got off of here so I could get in
bed and sleep. I was reading my devotional and saw a bible verse I
just HAD to share with someone before I forgot. So I got on here...
and now, for some reason.. I'm on blogger, blogging away. But that's
alright. Though I want to get up early... Also, I gotta say, church was
awesome tonight! I love my friends. I honestly don't know where I'd
be without them. I let myself cry. Pastor told people to hold hands,
so we 3 did. And I sobbed. I bawled like a baby. Until snot was dripping
from my nose and I started to panic because I was holding hands with
people and couldn't get a tissue. LAWLZ! but really, Ivana let go of my
hand and then I got a tissue. All was well again, and I cried some more.
Then, everything was okay. We prayed, and I felt more peace. I'm going
to have passion for God, more than anything. Pastor was right, that a lot
of us younger people don't know what to do with our passion. I've been doing
my best to use mine for God. And I'm proud to say that I'm getting better.
And I realize more and more how many people need the church. I wish church
was everyday. I'd be the happiest person alive. But alas, it's not. I can still
have my own church service everyday. Though I do enjoy the fellowship with
my church folks. So anyway, I think things are gonna be just peachy keen.
I've got an awesome God, some pretty coo' friends, I'm starting my book,
and I suddenly feel tired again. Ah, sweet dreams blogger. ♥

-Ms. Conduit

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