Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A rant. xD

Dear facebook status updaters,
Okay. I have a few things to say.
We get it. Your ex likes you. And that guy
over there, and the stalker guy.
Why are you bragging about it, and
filling up my wall with stupid posts?
Also, we get it. You love each other.
Must you say it in every update?
"I looooooooooooooooove you baby!
you make my world go around wooo."
Okay. Thanks for posting it every
10 minutes :D
Also, I don't need to know that you're
going to take a shower. Why do you
need to post this?
And I understand that you hate school
and mornings. Must it be announced every
day? Mornings are actually lovely,
and school... well, it helps in some ways.
So be positive people.
And I get oh so tired of seeing
"I hate my life."
"Why doesn't she/he loooooove me?"
And those subtle little messages
to people, like "I'm sorry, but I'm done trying.
you come to me when you're ready to be
serious" or something, I mean honestly.
Just send the person a private message.
We don't all want to hear about your private
life and drama.

Thank you C:

-Ms. Conduit

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