Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's kinda funny when you're who you least expected
yourself to be. Doing what you didn't think you'd be doing.

Though, it's pretty awesome when it's everything you've wanted,
but never thought you could have.

So anyway, J2 (yes I'm aware that's... her nickname from
when we were like, 12).
Well, she might be coming to the thing this weekend.
And it's odd, I miss her. I mean, where I'm at in my
relationship with God now, and the people I have..
well, I know she's not a best friend to have. And it's been
a few years. But we always related to each other pretty
well. Even if we hardly got along. She was my best friend
for a couple years. I hope she does come.
Who knows, maybe she'd have a good time.
Maybe she would want to come back, and God would
get ahold of her. I know He has before..
she's just been fighting against it. And I guess that's
understandable. Considering the situations she's been
in. Though it's her own fault, the family she got born into
wasn't her choice. She's still had it pretty good compared
to some people. But God.. all I want is for her to love You.
I know she could get on the right track.. surrounded by
the right people. i.e., my crew. Anyway, I'm praying man.
I pray that she comes this weekend. I mean, she probably
won't... but I don't want to be negative so I'm gonna pray.

On another note, I hate it when people doubt me.
There's really only one person that doubts me.
But she doubts EVERYTHING I do. I decided I don't
want to go to college, and apparently I'm going to be
a "poor reject" for it. Everytime someone doubts me,
I want nothing more than to prove them wrong.
I can do anything. But only with the help of God.
And I know He'll walk with me.. every step of the way.

Dude... I need to stop ranting and take a shower.
I'll be late for grocery shopping and church.
peace out blogger (:

-Ms. Conduit

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