Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's been a long one..

Oy oy, blogger, you would not believe the day I had.
But lets start first... West Virginia.

Ah, West Virginia. My half brothers house with my
dad, half bro, and his wife. And their 7 dogs, and 3
horses, and 2 cats. Of course the river too.

My brother who believes there is more than one
way to get to heaven. Who just doesn't care.
Well you see, I left my bible out on the table
every night opened to things I thought would catch
his attention. He has a habit I have, he wakes up
in the middle of the night to eat. Maybe he read
it when he woke up and ate, maybe not. I hope
he did though.

And ah, Emily and Lindsay. My two friends down there.
We sat in the river as Lindsay asked why I've been wearing
skirts. I replied with "Well, I'm a pentecostal". To which,
her jaw dropped. Then she proceeded to tell me I'm too
"God-y" for her. I told her, at least I'm happy. And she
said "Well, I'm glad it works for you. I mean, I don't serve
satan or anything but..." Ha. At least I caught her off guard
anyway. Showed my love for Jesus. I honestly wouldn't
wear skirts if I didn't feel like it. I don't think you have
to do anything special to make Jesus love you. Not that
I'm against it. My church is apostolic pentecostal, and I
love it. And I enjoy wearing skirts. But if I didn't want to,
I wouldn't. Either way, I always have something about
me that someone notices, and I find a way to tell them
about Jesus. Whether they like it or not. :D

So, other than that... a 5 mile hike... the park.. guys trying
to flirt with me while they failed at fishing.. a dog sleeping
in bed with me every night... lots of late night texting..
staying up all night to finish a book before I came home...
Swimming in the river... coffee... campfires every night..
lots of guitar playing... me and David :) He let me play
his beautiful guitar. I really didn't even think he would
let me touch it. I wouldn't if it were mine. Ha.

Oh,and my brother said I'm so good at guitar, I deserve
a new one... well ironically enough.. that same day I got
a text from someone from my old church... Ken Simon.
He's like, a second dad to me and I loveeee him.
Well, he asked if I'm still playing guitar and if I got a
new one. I told him yes I'm still playing, but still the
same ol' acoustic. Then he replied with "I have one
here with your name on it." And I was like "No way,
you're joking." and he said.. "Brand spankin' new!
Love you!" Ahhhhhhhhhhh ♥ Ken got me a new
guitar. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. God is so
good to me I could dance!

Well... when I made it home everything turned stressful.
It was good at first.. went through mcdonalds for a coffee
before I got home... drank my coffee while I caught up
with my computer stuff.... well... then my friend said something
crazy happened.. and his relative.. went crazy on him and
he was stranded in Florida... I spent a lot of time being worried
sick about him.. well... then I sang praise songs to Jesus, on
my ol' acoussie... I was so thirsty I went to get a drink...
and then... the last person I'd expect to cuss at me.. flipped
out... I asked what was going on... oh, I'm cleaning the "f#$king"
kitchen. He's never said that word in his entire life. I went
upstairs and cried. And prayed for God to forgive him.. and sang
praise songs. I am not talking to him again until he apologizes.

So, my friend Dwayne called me and let me cry to him for a while..
then my friend who was stranded texted me... he's okay and he'll
be home in two days. God, that makes me so happy. I don't know
what I'd do without him. So, all in all I've had a rough day. I'm happy
now, the joy of the Lord is my strength.. but boy am I weary. My
eyes are burning.. and I just need to chill.

-Ms. Conduit

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