Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I love the little things in life that make
me happy.
Today,I found the shirt
I wanted,in my size FINALLY.
And,while at goodwill,
I found two of the Harry
Potter books.
I didn't think I would
ever see them at
Though I've already read
the whole series,
I bought them.
Because I want them in book
form,so I can read them
again,and again.
I <3 HP.

weird happened.
this guy was at
a store I was
at. And then
he was at the next store
I went to.
We laughed about it.
different town...
he was in the same store as
me... I thought
that was so strange.

went out in public
twice without
makeup now.
I'm amazed at myself.
Andd not to mention
this good looking guy waved
at me.. and this
other one was checking
me out. Bahaha
not that I care.
But it makes me
feel a little more confident
about trying this..
"no makeup"

I am SO ruddy
tired. I want
to sleep,but I'm
trying to get some
work done.
I reckon I'll go to
bed soon and just finish it
tomorrow before church.

&& there's this thing,
that makes me smile.

Yeah yeah,I know..
I do this a lot.
It's just been a long

God is good.
He put me where I need
to be,and I trust Him.


-Ms. Conduit

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