Saturday, March 27, 2010

And I don't know why,but with you I'd dance..

When was your last kiss?
June 12th.

Last person you told a secret to?
ShaLacey,maybe? Or Jake xD

Who was the last person(s) you hung out with?
Well I ran into some old friends yesterday,
and we talked a bit if that counts.

When was the last time you really laughed?

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Church people. Though no one was
meant to see that.

Who was the last person you hugged?

Who are your best friends?
I don't technically have
one that I see a lot,
but I'd say Ted.
He's the best.

Is there a person of the opposite sex that means a lot to you?
As a friend. ^^

What do you hear right now?

Do you want to start over with anyone?
You know,I'd really love to. Though
it's almost been two years since
that incident.. I miss my friend..
very much.

If you were in the hospital, would the last person you kissed visit you?
I have no idea. If I wasn't a 3 hour drive away maybe.

Do you miss someone?
Well,is it possible to miss
someone you technically haven't
had a real conversation with?

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point that isn't around now?
Yes. That wonderful friend..

Where's your phone right now?
Beside me.

Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo?

Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
Sure have.

Do you like waking up and having new text messages?
I do. And I especially love "Good morning" texts,
though no one sends those much anymore.

Will tomorrow be a good day?
Yes. Well,from my guess.
Church,and we're all hanging out
again afterwards. I really like
this crowd. I think this is
the church I'm meant
to be at :)

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Oh man,Tuesday maybe?
Though I'd never do it. xD

Are you the same as you were at the beginning of 2008?
Oh no. Not at all.

If you married the last person that texted you, what would your last name be?
I'd rather not.

Were you single on your last birthday?

Are you jealous of someone right now?

Can you commit to one person?
Sure can.

If you woke up next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
I would THEN consider the "punching
someone in their face" thing xD

How many boyfriends have you had in 2010?
0. My 9 month singleversary is coming up baby.
Jesus will send me the right guy eventually.

Are you satisfied with your life right now?
I am.

What is something you like to do when you're down?
Play guitar.

Can you whistle?
Sure can.

What are your initials?

How do you feel about yourself as a person?
I love me. xD

What is something that you're looking forward to?

Whens the last time you cried?
Two weeks ago maybe?

Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning?
Morning. I sometimes
take two a day though.
I have a shower fetish? xD

What was the reason behind why you last cried?
I was remembering when things
used to be good in my old church..
missed it,and brokedown during praise
and worship.. -.- I had to leave
the room. But now I'm done there.
I loved my pastor,and still do,
but he doesn't have my respect anymore.
Neither do hardly any of the leaders
there. I'm living for God more than
they are,and most of them are twice
my age or more.

Is there someone you could spend every minute with and be happy?
I dunno,people can get on my nerves after a while..

Can you honestly say that looks don't matter?
Sure can.

Who did you instant message last?
Gee... No idea. I only
use facebookIM and it
was probably ShaLacey.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you for no apparent reason?
Oh there's a lot of those.

Have you had your heart broken?
Maybe only slightly cracked.

Have you ever been with anyone and thought “I want to be with this person forever”?

Have you ever dated someone older then you?

Tell me what’s on your mind?
I need to get ready for work,but I don't feel like it. I'm tired.
I can't wait till tomorrow. This one kid has this
real nice smile which is rather charming. I really wanna
play guitar right now and might do so. I'm frozen.

What do you do when you have a bad day?
Depends. I like sleeping.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Sure haven't.

Do you say sorry first?
Depends.. but I say sorry wayyyyyyyy toooooo much, and I shouldn't.

Have you ever held hands with the driver while they were driving?
No,xD I'd rather not be the cause of an

Something you’re happy about?
I'm gonna have $60 to waste
after today. Can anyone
say videogames and starbucks?

Do you wish you never dated someone you dated?
Nah. I mean,sometimes I think I'd of been better
off but it's all taught me to make better choices,
and that's what counts,right?

Is it usually easy to make you smile?
Mhmmm, but for me to truly smile, its no easy task.

Marriage in your future?
Oh yes.

Are you afraid of commitment?

Have you ever been in a perfect relationship?
No such thing.

How did you get your last bruise?
Falling down a concrete step xD

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Usually the way it goes.

Who’s in your profile picture with you?
No one.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Church, Guitar, Chilling, Smiling.
And hopefully talking to
Mr.charming smile. xD

Ever broke a bone?
Just one.

Last time you had pizza?
It's been a while,
you know I really don't
like pizza. It's not
very good,and VERY
If I'm gonna eat something
unhealthy,I'd rather
it be something tasty like fried

How many days until your next birthday?
9 or so months.

What surprised you today?
Nothing really.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
More so.. straight,with some bent spots xD

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Eh. I don't drink either much unless it's with
chocolate,in cereal,or a milkshake.
And I rarely have any of those.

How many people texted you today?

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?
I know of someone.

Do you have any hickies?

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?

Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
It really depends. I usually let it go.

Could you ever be friends again with someone that broke your heart?
I am friends with some of the people who hurt me the most,
so yeah.

Who was the last person you had an argument with?
I can't remember. I get along with people mostly.

Can you roll your tongue?

What are you listening to?

Do you like scented candles?
Oh yeah,especially the vanilla or sugar cookie
scented ones..

Did you have a good birthday last year?
Last year,not so much. I was at church,
no one there said happy birthday to me
except like.. Ted and John. Anyone
else *shrugs*. I mean,it wasn't
bad though. I didn't want a big
deal made out of it.

Where are you going on vacation next?
No idea. Haven't been on one in ages.
I'll consider the Tennessee mission trip
a vacation. Or maybe Louisiana if I go.

Have you kissed anyone in the past 48 hours?
Sure haven't.

Do you like your first name?
It's mine..

Do you have any siblings?
Three of my own,three half ones I think?

Did you cry today?

What were you doing an hour ago?
Waking. Or eating breakfast..

What is the weather like today?
Ruddy cold.

Do you think it would be more fun to model or to shoot the photographs?
Either would be incredibly fun!

Are you younger than 21?

Do you have feelings for anyone?
Maybe,but not feeling feelings.
Just like,eh.

Do you know what you're going to put as the subject of this?

What is the lowest grade you have right now?
No clue. I'm doing good.

How often do you buy new makeup?
Only occasionally. Black eyeliner usually
does it for me.

Do you like the 'new' MySpace?
I don't use it.

Are you sick or becoming sick?
Yes. =/.

How often do you say 'lol' in a computer or text conversation?
Not often, I say haha. =p.

What does your mom say about the pictures on your MySpace?

Any feelings for anyone?
Not sure.

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Not sure.

Do you believe in kissing when you're not together yet?
Nah. It's dumb.

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