Saturday, October 13, 2012

From this day forward, I'm introducing myself to new people as "Vivian".
I don't really have a reason. I just have a few friends who hardly ever go by
their real name, and it interested me. And Vivian means "lively, alive, animated"
And that's what I want to be. So it's official. I'll quote myself on here as Vivian.

In other news, I shot a bow for the first time today and felt like freakin' Hawkeye.
Though, I totally missed the target and got the arrow stuck in a block of wood. Oh well.

Oh, and I played banjo for the first time yesterday. It was pretty amazing.
I didn't feel like anyone. But it was still really cool. I might actually consider getting
a banjo now.

I don't have anything too exciting to say right now cause I'm in a weird mood.
But I just felt like posting so I'm trying to come up with stuff.

John freakin' Bevere is preaching at faith family tonight, and I am beyond pumped.
It's gonna be awesome. I need a kickstarter to get back on track and I think whatever
he speaks on will be it. I'm just worn out from everything, including myself.
I've let myself slip into the motions and I have no one to blame but me.
I just want a new start. Maybe that's why I want to be known as, as Vivian.
Who knows. I know I'll be okay though.

~Vivian Conduit